This is an excerpt from my recently published novel The Falling Circle, available for Kindle and in paperback on Graffiti Preston stood in the hallway, contemplating his new home. He stood by his bedroom door, studying the front door. The front door actually had a working doorbell that rang in the kitchen. Functioning …
Writing Fiction and Songs and the Real World – Inspired by A Fairy Tale of New York
“I have that stupid White Zombie song stuck in my head”. That’s the very first line of my short story The Vehicle of Damnation. It’s said by a crusty punk who walks up to the main character, a woman she has not seen in more than a year. I like that line, and I like …
Pest – An excerpt from my newly published novel The Falling Circle
This is an excerpt from my recently published novel The Falling Circle, available for Kindle on Amazon.coom Pest Clink, clink! Preston’s head stirred. He heard the muffled mumblings of someone in the hallway. Clink, clink! Thump! What th’ fuck? The voices would rise and pitch, getting louder and then quieter. Clink, clink! Preston raised …
A Job – An excerpt from my newly published novel The Falling Circle
This is an excerpt from my recently published novel The Falling Circle, available for Kindle and in good ol’ paper book form on A Job It was with some reluctance that Preston agreed to meet Miss Griffith. The only thing he knew about Miss Griffith was that she had, as Tam put it, …
Top Ten War Movies
When I was a tween I had a lot of friends who were really into World War II. They really liked looking over the battles and tanks and weapons, but when I asked them about the war’s history they couldn’t tell me much. So, when I was thirteen years old, I forced myself to read …
Trump and the N-Word Tape: Why it Matters
Amid all of the Trump Twitter rants and various 45 scandals and controversies is the revitalized subject of the Trump N-word tape, a topic that came to light before the election. True enough, the mention of a tape of him using the N-word was at rumor stage before the election, but it keeps coming back …
Race Report: The Humboldt Bay Marathon
Last Sunday I ran the Humboldt Bay Marathon in Eureka, California. It was my 27th marathon overall since I ran my first marathon back in 2009. This marathon was also unique for me in several ways. It was the first time I ran a marathon in August, it was the first time I ran a …
Why I don’t Celebrate Father’s Day
My father died several years ago, but I did not bother telling very many people. Because they would always say “I’m so sorry.” And my response would be, “Don’t be. We weren’t very close.” Which is the very polite, watered-down answer. My father was a very selfish and angry man who never stopped taking out …
Loneliness of the Slow Long Distance Runner
I am a long distance runner. I run three to four marathons a year, along with half marathons, 10Ks, 5Ks, and the occasional Ragnar Relay. Since 2009, when I ran my first marathon in San Francisco, I’ve run a total of twenty five marathons. On my bucket list is a twelve month span in which …
“You don’t have to clean out your car you know.” “Yes I do.” He pulled into the do-it-yourself car washing lot and parked by the vacuum machine. “I just want to vacuum it.” “Fine. I’ll go smoke a cigarette,” said Donna. “Can you help me clear out the car first?” They were in North Oakland, …