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Punks Working Out – – Novel Excerpt from The Rise and Fall of Skye Wright

This is an excerpt from my new two books series The Rise and Fall of Skye Wright. This excerpt is from the first book. Skye has let her friend and Narcotics Anonymous sponsor Lee talk her into trying out a fitness boot camp in an effort to try and improve her life. Little does she …


Evolution of an Epithet: The Dark Side of the Karen Concept

Karen (Slang) – Karen is a pejorative term for a white woman perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. The term is often portrayed in memes depicting white women who use their white privilege to demand their own way. – From Wikipedia “Where hides evil in my kingdom, then?”   …


Quotes from my new two book series The Rise and Fall of Skye Wright

These are selected quotes from my new two book series The Rise and Fall of Skye Wright, the story of a wild rock and roller trying to hang on as her roller coaster life takes her on tragic twists and turns that could end up destroying her. These quotes are all from the first book. …


The Mississippi Lounge – Novel Excerpt from The Rise and Fall of Skye Wright

This is an excerpt from my new two books series The Rise and Fall of Skye Wright. This excerpt is from the first book. Skye and her friends hang out at a popular watering hole in West Berkeley, talking about their current lives, their love lives, and their artistic pursuits. This work is the continuation …


Quotes and Easter Eggs – What’s in my new Two Book Series The Rise and Fall of Skye Wright

This month I am publishing my two book series about my wild rock and roll character Skye Wright, a character I’ve written stories about for years. You can read an excerpt here: In this work I precede each chapter with a quote. Oftentimes it’s song lyrics, and other times it’s other writers, sometimes my …


The ones Who’ve inspired the Dynamite Chicks

The Dynamite Chicks is my character Skye Wright’s punk band. In my book series Skye and her old bandmate Annie get together and reform their band and start playing shows again. The Dynamite Chicks are a hard rocking, hard driving and raunchy rock and roll band. This fictitious band’s sound and style have been inspired …


How to follow the life of Skye Wright, my character come to life

“Just don’t pretend you know more about your characters than they do, because you don’t.” – Anne Lammott The first ever illustration of my character Skye Wright, for the cover of What the Hell Ever Happened to Yuri Rozhenko? Skye was never supposed to be a big deal. As I wrote before, she was only …


One Day At a Time – An Excerpt from my upcoming novel the Rise and Fall of Skye Wright

This is an excerpt from my new two books series The Rise and Fall of Skye Wright. This excerpt is from the first book. This excerpt is early the book. This piece introduces Molly Mix, Skye’s friend and reluctant recovering addict. This work is the continuation of the Skye Wright saga, and follows her adventures …


Fast and Frightening – An Excerpt from my upcoming novel The Rise and Fall of Skye Wright

This is an excerpt from my new two books series The Rise and Fall of Skye Wright. This excerpt is from the first book. From the very beginning of the book, where Skye Wright is working at Anemone Studios, a prominent alt-music studio and label. I heard that girl is fast and frightening Dirty hair …


Haunted When the Music Plays – Songs That Have Haunted Me

Music is a huge part of my life. I collect all kinds of music, I’ve seen countless numbers of shows and concerts, so many so that it would be impossible to calculate how many times I’ve seen live music. Through all of the bands and songs I’ve listened to, I occasionally come across a song …