Category: Social Media

Fiction, Social Media

The Blind Leading the Sighted: Help me develop a blind character for my novel!

My name is Jeffrey Matucha. I have six novels on Amazon and I am currently working on my seventh novel titled A Long Slow Aftermath. In this novel I have a blind character named Toshi who is significant part of the story. This is a questionnaire that I have created for blind people because I …

Fiction, Social Media, Writing

That Book Marketing Thang (Again!) – The Burden of the Indie Author

I recently published my fifth novel What the Hell Ever Happened to Yuri Rozhenko? and I’m really driven to market this book and try and make it successful. I think it’s one of the best things I’ve ever written, and my best chance for making a splash on the book scene. But, as many indie …

Fiction, Social Media

Having Fun With Facebook Advertising Algorithms. No, Really!

In order to promote my works of literature I maintain a Facebook page called Jeffrey Vernon Matucha, Author. Facebook pages are de rigeur for people who want to promote just about anything on social media, and Facebook knows it. Facebook offers an advertising service known as Post boosts. Basically you can post something on your …

Social Media

People I May Know. Finding People on Facebook

I have a lot of friends on Facebook, and virtually all of them are people I personally know or people I’ve gotten to know virtually through other sites such as Livejournal. (Yes, Livejournal, where I started my online presence! Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m old.) Occasionally I’ll peruse the “People you May Know” section of …

Mental Health, rant, Social Media

Enough with the Introvert Humor – Pandemics and Mental Health

I got to know a young woman in a German conversation group that I used to run, a German woman who had moved to the United States with her German husband. I asked her “Why don’t you bring your husband by sometime? We could always use more native Germans here.” She tilted her head around …

Social Media

Vaguebooking: AKA How Not to use Facebook

The term Vaguebooking should be familiar to many a Facebooker: It’s when someone posts a status that is vague and lacking information, so much so that the many readers of the post is not sure what’s going on. Vaguebooking is oftentimes defined as a sad cry for attention, such as when someone posts just simply …